An actual post on an actual Friday: progress! Buenos noches, good people and welcome back after a month long disappearance. Let's get right into it because, dear fan, *strokes your face* we've already wasted enough time. Reading A book I can't recall if I learned about off Booktube or random Goodreads meandering: "The Illumination" by Kevin Brockemeier. Amazon It's difficult ...
This is the week that started with good intentions but quickly got derailed by real life. Due to many, many adult responsibilities, your resident Harley Quinn impersonator has been getting home at sketchy hours and completely unable to work on my projects and update Le Blog. Therefore, here we are with Shawarmy goodness on a Saturday. Enjoy! Reading All The Birds in the Sky by Charlie ...
Ohayo, reader-sama! For those of you wondering who would be doing a summary of the month in the second week of the next month, you have clearly not been here before and should applaud me for getting this done before August. #Slay The Wrap January basically went by in a messy blur and while I can barely account for what I got up to, I can say this: I finally got a new laptop! It took ...
It is 02:00am on Saturday morning, of the week I decided to be getting to bed by 10:00pm, so here we are. A general update/shameless rambling thingie will be up tomorrow...well, today, therefore let us get crackalacking. Reading Presently, "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker. You guyyyyys. The first quarter has been spectacular but as we approach the halfway mark, the book is kind of ...
Sooooo, first regular post of 2016, habibis! Let's get right into it. Sidebar: Listening to the Billboard Top 100 of 2nd January which is about 90% Justin Beiber and I'm mad about how much I like his new album. Anyway, I'm just now realizing I have yet to listen to Adele's "Hello" from beginning to end. Since last year, you guys. How is this possible. End sidebar. Reading All the things, ...
Bon apres midi, y'all. It is 5 days past New Years and while you were all running around improving your lives and what not with resolutions, I was doing absolutely nothing of the sort until about 5 minutes ago. What follows is therefore not a set of resolutions, but goals which I will achieve without necessarily setting a timeline to them. #Flawless (NB: If this is the definition of a ...
The title, much like the concept of rational thought, has nothing to do with this post. Buenos noches, my spambots and Eastern European otakus, you have all been missed. #Goals The first post of 2016 is pretty much a "Hello from the other side" kind of thing (#BadumTss #TimelyReference) without much meat or substance. I am simply here to share the fact that we are back, promise posts ...